| The King Among Kings | Platinum | Acquire all trophies |
 | Overflowing with Power...! | Bronze | Beat Iai Arthur, eroded by the sacred blood |
 | Return of the King | Silver | Clear STORY Mode |
 | Looking to the Sky... | Gold | Clear EPISODE OF ARCANA |
 | Knight Summon | Bronze | Land a Support Knight attack, and form a combo (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Chain Barrage | Bronze | Unleash a Million Blade "Auto-combo"
(Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Inshi Awakening | Bronze | Activate Enchant Boost "A+B+C" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Beyond Limits | Bronze | Activate a Limit break "A+D" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Who Should I Pick? | Bronze | Customize your Knights (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Million Knights Master | Gold | Summon Every Knight (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | A Hundred Times Over | Bronze | Deal a cumulative of 500000 in Training Mode |
 | The Journey Begins | Bronze | Enter the Tutorial |
 | That Should Wrap Things Up! | Gold | Clear TIME TRIAL |
 | Well? I'm Waiting~ | Bronze | Bring your opponent's Knight Summon Cost up to 5 "Guinevere Assist" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Sorry If That Hurt | Bronze | Summon Hawkeye while using Riesz (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Prepare Yourself | Bronze | Summon Millionare Arthur, and activate super armor "Call assist, then armor through an attack" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Chibibibibibii | Bronze | Summon Little Grey (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | No Justice! | Bronze | Hit with Jaku-San-Sei Elle twice in a single combo (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | High Score Girl! | Bronze | Summon Akira Oono in TIME TRIAL |
 | Come on in! | Bronze | Using Nitou Arthur, land Amagi Crusher "63214D" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | To Hell! | Bronze | Using Blade Protector, Land the additional hit for Rising Heaven "623AA" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | There! | Bronze | Using Thief Arthur, activate Wire Shot "j.623A" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | I'll Return the Favor! | Bronze | Using Zex Siegfried, unleash Elemental Cannon "5D > 214D" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Enjoy the Piping Hot Ice | Bronze | Using Nimue, launch Freezing Seal "Hold then release D" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Spin, Spin, Spin~ | Bronze | Using Bisclavret, land Burning Wheel "j.D"(Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | ...Become My Wings | Bronze | Using Eternal Flame, land Magic Turret "623A+B" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Checkmate! | Bronze | Using Snow White, successfully use Sevens Shadow Dynamic "Full circle + 2 attack buttons" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Hit! | Bronze | Using Riesz, land Dragon Fang Spear "D hold"(Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Let's Go, I Don't Have Time | Bronze | Using Iai Arthur, cancel out of the Piercing Strike stance "236A hold" without attacking (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | It's Time for Your Injection! | Bronze | Using Koume, land It's time for your injection! "236A+B" and form a combo (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Mission Complete | Bronze | Using Yamaneko Arthur, load all 3 element bullets "214D quickly after using an assist"(Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | What's Wrong! | Bronze | Using Iori Yagami, combo a j.C into 108 Shiki Yamibarai "236+Any attack button" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Excalibur! | Bronze | Land 20 special moves "Skill" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Million Excalibur! | Silver | Land 20 ultimate moves "Million Excalibur" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Let's Go Even Further Beyond! | Silver | Finish over 5 rounds with a Million Excalibur (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | I was Chosen by the Sword | Bronze | Win a perfect game (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Now Then, Lets Test this Strength! | Bronze | Play a VERSUS match |
 | To protect you, I'll eliminate you | Silver | Win 5 times in VERSUS |
 | Bring it on | Silver | Fight 20 VERSUS battles |
 | If you touch me, you won't get off with light burns... | Bronze | In a single combo, use fire elements to reach a 2.00 Element Bonus (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | I have some of my mother's apples! | Bronze | In a single combo, use Ice elements to reach a 2.00 Element Bonus (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | This wind is weeping... | Bronze | In a single combo, use wind elements to reach a 2.00 Element Bonus (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Give me everything you've got! | Bronze | Use Iai Arthur to battle Nitou Arthur (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Element Master | Gold | In a single combo, Perform an Enchant Counter with all three elements "e.g. land a Fire > Ice > Wind element combo" (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |
 | Limit Break Master | Silver | Hit your opponent 20 times with Limit Break (Excluding VERSUS, NETWORK) |