Han-Gyaku-Sei Million Arthur is an anime based on Square Enix’s massively multi-player online role-playing game of the same title. The game, developed by Square Enix and NetEase, was released in China on March 30, 2018, while the Japanese release was on November 29, 2018.

Events featured in both titles differ, with the anime opting for a light comedy setting, over the game’s more serious narrative.

Funimation will stream both season 1 and 2 via FunimationNow. You can view the information below:

Million Arthur Season 2 comes to FunimationNow! Catch the Simulcast on Thursdays at 9 am CT & the SimulDub will start airing on 4/25.

Season 1 will also be getting weekly episodes, subbed starting 4/25 & dubbed on 5/9!

The anime will feature 24 episodes in total.
-10 during the first season which began airing on October 25, 2018.
-13 during the second season which began airing on April 4, 2019.
-1 Planned to release with the final Blu-Ray volume on October 2, 2019.



Synopsis (Click to show)

View Season 1 here.


Additional Episode Information (Click to show)

Episode #1 (11): The Fairy of Legend

Original air date: April 4, 2019
English Subtitles: April 6, 2019


Episode #2 (12): A Failure as a Leader

Original air date: April 11, 2019
English Subtitles: N/A



Official Website: hangyakusei-anime
Twitter: @hangyakuseiMAAN

Million Arthur: Arcana Blood

Million Arthur: Arcana Blood

Maker: Square Enix
System: PlayStation 4
Genre: Fighting
Release: Nov 29, 2019
Price: USD $63.99

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